Friday 29 June 2012

My Current Location.. ..

I am now in Boston, AMERICA!!
I'm starting my industrial placement which is required for my 3rd year @ GCU in my Business Studies Hons Degree.
I fly out on the 25th June, and start work 2nd july!
I'm hoping its going to be amazing, though i'm sure it will be!
So follow up on my life online at my blog for that part of my life.. nicocogoestoboston..

the link is just accross there on the right >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Thursday 5 April 2012


WOOHOHOHOHOHOHHOOOO. Typing with complete and utter GLEE. I can now drive on the roads safe and sound all by myself since I have just passed my driving test! There would hopefully be a BEAUTIFUL pink licence on its way to me in the post within the week. I am so happy that i have took on the challenge to start driving initially to make myself a better candidate to applying for an industrial placement. such an achievement which I am proud of as i shall have that for life, a massive LIFE investment. woohoho. toottootvrooomVROOOOM.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Thursday 8 March 2012

Edinburgh Zoo TAKE 2

My Mums bear which got me eXcited!
Yesterday we took a coach trip to Edinburgh to experience the PANDAs at Edinburgh Zoo!

Being far too overly excited on the bus over to Edinburgh the day started with a telling of from a kind old lady for being too noisy and hyper. Considering out days plans though it was far too hard to stay quiet!

The Pandas themselves were exactly what they say they are big fluffy round bears which are quiet and lazy consuming large amounts of bamboo continuously..... It was a great experience seeing them so close up, slightly surreal as normally I would only get to see them on TV but now two were slumped up right in front of me.

The Penguin parade which I missed last time!
More information on the Pandas from Edinburgh Zoo -


Why don't you try and catch a live shot of the beautiful animals just now in the zoo?

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Comedy Club

Seeing our second visit Glasgow Comedy club The Stand, we got grilled more than melted cheese last night as we had to sit in the dreaded front row due to arriving later than planned.   The first time we ventured down to the hilarious place we took our German friend along to experience some Scottish Banter the night went down well and I'm sure I had ABS from laughing so much.  My flat mate will most definitely never forget the evening as her comedy idol Kevin Bridges was there supporting one of the acts and she was over the MOON to get her picture taken with him. The 2nd visit was to celebrate my flatmates 20th birthday- MyGOSH what a BUCKLE! From many jokes one which I can mention is the fact I happened to be wearing the same sparkly blazer as the host, boyOboy did she lay into me as she was a considerable few years older than me. ... .. It was such a good night with many more to follow in the future. BRING ON THE COMEDYYYY.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Moving Meteors

The ‘UFO’ we witnessed last night has caused some commotion.  It was even in the news.  Evidently it was NOT aliens accommodating to the earth, it has been revealed that it was a meteor called.

 The Met Office even tweeted: "Hi All, for anyone seeing something in the night sky, we believe it was a meteorite

More news on the bad boy spectacular can be found on the link…… 

Saturday 3 March 2012

Sky spectacular

Is it a bird?

Is it a plane?

Is it a UFO?


On our way back from a ‘country cruise’ with friends at home, tonight going from Ayr via Annbank we witnessed an ‘unidentified flying object’.  The blazing fiery orangey colour with its accompanied white lights caught our attention frightening us with its unusual size.  The location we were in allowed the assumption of being a jumbo jet on its way to Glasgow Prestwick airport (PURE dead brilliant an’all that) but with further examination as it hurled through the dark star lit sky it did not match the requirement leaving us baffled wondering what it could have been !

Tuesday 28 February 2012


SOOOOOOOo, after the knowledge and confirmation of my superDUPER placement in Boston commencing June 23rd   I have took on two jobs as well as University.  Pleasingly busy I manage my University work along with PRing for Saint Judes and Bar Soba in Glasgow during the week days, my weekends shall now consist of working roughly 18+- hours at the delightfully busy family restaurant of Monkton Lodge back home.  MoneyMONEYmoney.  I am hoping to save all of this, however with the knowledge of my two jobs again I did treat myself to a lovely brown bag from NewLook today. .. .. everyone deserves a treat now and then!  My savings are going well and Mr.Piggy bank has never been so FAAAAAAAAAAAAAT.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Panic Pancakes

Some alarms and Panic pancakes

Today was Pancake Day in which we truly  celebrated in student style.  After a painstakingly long day at uni watching the second clock click down closer and closer to leaving so we could enjoy our fun filled fluffy feast of flipping pancakes.

A troop of our university friends met @ our flat and we got down to business.  After setting the fire alarms  off from an unsuccessful first batch of pancakes, burning the pan and smoke filling the full room we did result in making 50 + pancakes for a lovely lavish lunch!

OFFCOURSE it would not of been so scrumptious if we had not of topped the pancakes with our genius toppings consisting of strawberry syrup, chocolate syrup, sugar, lemon, chocolate spread, many flavours of jam and of course the usual BUTTER!.. YUMYUMM pass me some!

Monday 6 February 2012


Looking out my window on sunday I did not expect to see this.. ..

It seems a farmer is enjoying a brisk walk across his greenglorious fields with a bundle of bubblyBALOONS. not a sight I would normally see when I open my curtains in the morning..

Saturday 4 February 2012


With the useful resource of unlimited (2-3 perDAY) EGGGGS, from my lovely feathery friends... I enjoy baking the odd cake now and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagain. i tried my skills at decorating these scrumptious little BUNS. however creative i thought i was being.. .. I am pretty sure i misjudged the colouring.. oh well the end result was very tastebud friendly!

One for your loved ones to the approaching VALENTINESdayyy!

Some crunchy toppers for a cruncher.. . .

some eggs just dont want to be baked. ... .. i had a CRACKING good time though


Sooooooooooo, being very busy lately I haven't really updated. i'm sitting on the bus from my little country house to GLASGOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. its only one hour long, though i decided to take advantage of the WIFI, casually floating around the bus so i can connect to the internet for free.  Its weird thinking that you can now so easily connect to the worldWideWEB at just one simple click of a button.  clickclickclick.. .... ..

Thinking of this is it not weird thinking that looking at the sky, many many many waves of signals are flying about... .. ohDearOHmy.

FINALLY... a few hours of writing this can I post it, however amazing the Wifi (free) was in the bus........ it was not sufficient to upload a picture... so a few clicks and whamBAMthankYOmam and its back online.  I think its time for a cupOtea in the flat... ..

Tuesday 31 January 2012


In my travels to the Highlands moving around Inverness.... .. I ventured to the pebble stone beach looking into the GIGANTIC loch that was Loch Ness.
have a look - can you see the lizardy dinosaur like monster?

I could not. ............ .

I like this picture >>> when opened larger it almost looks like you can see right through the waves and into the loch.

Sunday 29 January 2012

Becoming a VIKING in the HIGHLANDS

January entailed an exciting THREEpointFIVE hour bus journey to the enchanting Scottish highlands.  I ventured to Inverness to stay with my two lovely flat-mates!  Hoping for heaps of snow, traveling through Aviemore unfortunately there wasn't much snow to see... however thankful I was to being able to get through the mountains I did want to see SNOOOOOOOOOOOW... I arrived in Inverness, being greeted by three LOVELY ladies, and headed to Dingwall, a delightful town outside the city.

  We wined and dined in a local restaurant followed by a local pub and club experience!  The following day we feasted on pancakes and scones for breakfast before heading out for an adventure.  We were keen to hike up some HILLS it was called the 'The Cats Back' was the name of the mountain, though the misty wet rain pushed us onwards and outwards to a MASSIVE waterfall called 'Plodda Falls'. 
 We definitely got 'showered' that day…

After our whimpsical waterfall experience we travelled to my other friends country house in Aigas by Beauly. We had home made soup and cakes with freshly made raspberry jam and enjoyed a rom-com movie beside a log fire to wind down from a fresh forestry day.  The third and last day I walked round a bold beaver lake, the trees surrounding it did no longer resemble a pencil like shape; the water was so calm it looked like a forever old picture in a wooden frame.
  My last stop before heading on the mighty bus was the lady of lochs LOCH NESS. I prowled whilst standing on the pebble stones to loch for the monster itself.. Only a branch could resemble the monster but NO real sightings could be noted......

Thursday 26 January 2012

In the Forest

Being at home its nice to escape the city and wander around the woods beside my house, ponder down by the river I sit relaxing on a wooden log, scuffling leafs with my muddy wellys, flying rotten twigs into the river splishsplashsplosh and off course hide behind trees from my twin sister.

 your're never too young for gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaames.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

that BuuZZzzing feeling.

 I'm feeling very anxious for a particular 'date' this evening, as it means ALOT to meeeeeeee.  I thought these pictures reflect the thought of many many many butterflies fluttering around in my stomach at the moment..

Happy Robert Burns Day!!

Today is Robert Burns day (25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796) which we celebrated every year at Primary School from a young age, a memory I wont forget will be standing on stage in the village hall and reciting the poem Tam o'Shanter to our School in celebration of the well known Scottish Poet.  Have a read at it and try and understand!

 Tam o' Shanter

When chapmen billies leave the street,
And drouthy neibors, neibors meet,
As market days are wearing late,
An' folk begin to tak the gate;
While we sit bousing at the nappy,
And getting fou and unco happy,
We think na on the lang Scots miles,
The mosses, waters, slaps, and styles,
That lie between us and our hame,
Where sits our sulky sullen dame.
Gathering her brows like gathering storm,
Nursing her wrath to keep it warm.
This truth fand honest Tam o' Shanter,
As he frae Ayr ae night did canter,
(Auld Ayr, wham ne'er a town surpasses
For honest men and bonie lasses.)
O Tam! had'st thou but been sae wise,
As ta'en thy ain wife Kate's advice!
She tauld thee weel thou was a skellum,
A blethering, blustering, drunken blellum;
That frae November till October,
Ae market-day thou was nae sober;
That ilka melder, wi' the miller,
Thou sat as lang as thou had siller;
That every naig was ca'd a shoe on,
The smith and thee gat roaring fou on;
That at the Lord's house, even on Sunday,
Thou drank wi' Kirkton Jean till Monday.
She prophesied that late or soon,
Thou would be found deep drown'd in Doon;
Or catch'd wi' warlocks in the mirk,
By Alloway's auld haunted kirk.

An Extract by Robert Burns from Tam o' shanter. 
Sourced from 

Monday 23 January 2012

Week Two. Wonderful Times.

Starting my second week of my second semester at university, I find myself stumbling accross stereotypes for Scottish PEEOPLES.

  • All Scottish men wear kilts and tam o’shanters. They play bagpipes, golf and Highland Games and eat haggis and drink scotch whisky. Invariably their last names start with “Mac” and they use words like “aye”, “laddie”, “wee” with a strong emphasis on the letter “r”. Their hair will be red or yellow brown. Men wear sideburns or a beard.
  • Scots are often depicted as dour, grouchy and mean. Toughened by the harsh Scottish climate this has lead to the Violent Glaswegian stereotype. But yet they are so tough that they are usually cast as the Brave Scot.
  • The Scottish also have a reputation for being thrifty misers, which is a source for a lot of jokes (by foreigners, of course).
  • Scots deepfry everything.
    • From Doctor Who: "You're Scottish, fry something!".
    • Mock the Week, "Weird Things to See on a Road Sign": "You are entering Scotland. No salad for 200 miles."
  • "Get three Englishmen together and they'll start a club. Get three Welshmen together and they'll start a choir. Get three Scotsmen together and they'll start a fight."

I will admit to the occasional AYE(yes) getting used in my vocabulary, but then again would you not smother yourself in your native language.. .. However there is a time and a place for a fried mars bar, fortunately I shall never stumble accross that place, nor time and a FRIEDchocolate mars bar shall never be welcomed to my taste buds.
Haste ye back, you braw little creature! Cheery-BYE!

Friday 20 January 2012

Resort to Relaxing

Today I and my flatmates enjoyed a walk into Glasgows west-end for a treat to a cafĂ© in the Bay Tree, Great Western road.  We indulged in creamy chocolate cake and replenishing tea.  It was a nice break out of our routine of work, uni, flat and allowed us to unwind from recent report and university deadlines!

Hello 2012.

Having lost my laptop for three weeks in October last year(2011), I also lost my routine of practising my blogging and so a few months down the line [a new year] I am back.  I have decided to back date my pictures and upload my travels and pictures taken since October!  Sitting University exams in December was very hectic, I celebrated my 19th birthday with my Twin in November, and all through the cold months with little or NO snow(!), I have been keeping busy searching and training myself to apply to an Inudstrial Placement.  During my christmas break I enjoyed a weekend away up North visiting my flat mates from Glasgow, it was an experience I wont forget hopefully with more visits there in the future!  Getting my organised hat on, I finally have started driving lessons and with only a few hours started I'm making very good progress and hope to pass within a month or so.  WHICH on a POSITIVE note, I've taken some time to actually upload online.  I hope you enjoy the pictures as I did taking them.

Thanks, Nicoleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. 

Tuesday 17 January 2012


Pleasingly to my enormous appetite we have created a weekly ritual of a funky feast consisting of freshly popped out eggs from my feathery friends. THE CHICKENS.  Alongside toast and beans, it’s a must. HELLO SCRAMBLED EGG TUESDAYS!! 
The best part of the marvellous meal is that the eggs are free, it’s a lovely bonding BRUNCH to kick start our tantalising Tuesdays.