Tuesday 28 February 2012


SOOOOOOOo, after the knowledge and confirmation of my superDUPER placement in Boston commencing June 23rd   I have took on two jobs as well as University.  Pleasingly busy I manage my University work along with PRing for Saint Judes and Bar Soba in Glasgow during the week days, my weekends shall now consist of working roughly 18+- hours at the delightfully busy family restaurant of Monkton Lodge back home.  MoneyMONEYmoney.  I am hoping to save all of this, however with the knowledge of my two jobs again I did treat myself to a lovely brown bag from NewLook today. .. .. everyone deserves a treat now and then!  My savings are going well and Mr.Piggy bank has never been so FAAAAAAAAAAAAAT.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Panic Pancakes

Some alarms and Panic pancakes

Today was Pancake Day in which we truly  celebrated in student style.  After a painstakingly long day at uni watching the second clock click down closer and closer to leaving so we could enjoy our fun filled fluffy feast of flipping pancakes.

A troop of our university friends met @ our flat and we got down to business.  After setting the fire alarms  off from an unsuccessful first batch of pancakes, burning the pan and smoke filling the full room we did result in making 50 + pancakes for a lovely lavish lunch!

OFFCOURSE it would not of been so scrumptious if we had not of topped the pancakes with our genius toppings consisting of strawberry syrup, chocolate syrup, sugar, lemon, chocolate spread, many flavours of jam and of course the usual BUTTER!.. YUMYUMM pass me some!

Monday 6 February 2012


Looking out my window on sunday I did not expect to see this.. ..

It seems a farmer is enjoying a brisk walk across his greenglorious fields with a bundle of bubblyBALOONS. not a sight I would normally see when I open my curtains in the morning..

Saturday 4 February 2012


With the useful resource of unlimited (2-3 perDAY) EGGGGS, from my lovely feathery friends... I enjoy baking the odd cake now and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagain. i tried my skills at decorating these scrumptious little BUNS. however creative i thought i was being.. .. I am pretty sure i misjudged the colouring.. oh well the end result was very tastebud friendly!

One for your loved ones to the approaching VALENTINESdayyy!

Some crunchy toppers for a cruncher.. . .

some eggs just dont want to be baked. ... .. i had a CRACKING good time though


Sooooooooooo, being very busy lately I haven't really updated. i'm sitting on the bus from my little country house to GLASGOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. its only one hour long, though i decided to take advantage of the WIFI, casually floating around the bus so i can connect to the internet for free.  Its weird thinking that you can now so easily connect to the worldWideWEB at just one simple click of a button.  clickclickclick.. .... ..

Thinking of this is it not weird thinking that looking at the sky, many many many waves of signals are flying about... .. ohDearOHmy.

FINALLY... a few hours of writing this can I post it, however amazing the Wifi (free) was in the bus........ it was not sufficient to upload a picture... so a few clicks and whamBAMthankYOmam and its back online.  I think its time for a cupOtea in the flat... ..